Sisterhood - Season 1 : Episode 6


  • Drama

In the Nanyang region in the 1930s, Ouyang Tian Qing and Kuang Cai Yun traveled from Guangdong to Southeast Asia to make a living. Tianqing became the "samsui woman" of construction site labor and became the leader of the sisters. She was admired by both the rich Jia Fu and the poor A Le. Cai Yun accidentally became acquainted with the young Hu Yaozu and became the nanny but was repeatedly bullied by the Hu family. Yao Zu drove her away to protect her and went to study abroad. A Le took the initiative to give up his feelings for Tian Qing and went to serve as a soldier during the Japanese invasion. The Japanese forces forced Tian Qing and her company to build the shrine. On the day of completion, A Le, who joined the rebels, led the people to rescue Tian Qing and burned down the shrine. Cai Yun, who suffered various changes, also waited for the return of Yao Zu.

Season 1 Episodes


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